GBV is an umbrella term for any harmful act that is perpetrated against a person’s will and that is based on socially ascribed gender differences. GBV includes acts that inflict physical, mental, sexual harm or suffering; threats of such acts; and coercion and other deprivations of liberty, whether occurring in public or in private life. GBV disproportionately affects women and girls across their lifespan and takes many forms, including sexual, physical, and psychological abuse. It occurs at home, on the streets, in schools, workplaces, farm fields, and refugee camps; during times of peace as well as in conflicts and crises. 

Construction, particularly of major infrastructure projects, can be a high-risk environment for GBV affecting community members, workers and service users. GBV risks can intensify within local communities when there are large influxes of male workers from outside the area. Such workers often come without their families and have large disposable incomes relative to the local community, and can pose a risk in terms of sexual harassment, violence and exploitative transactional relationships.

To mitigate GBV and related risks, The Project with the support of the World Bank commissioned a study on Gender-Based Violence Services Mapping and Development of a Sexual Exploitation and Abuse/Sexual Harassment (SEA/SH) Prevention and Response Action Plan. The assignment covered all 29 Metropolitan/Municipal/District Assemblies (MMDAs), in Greater Accra Region, including the 17 GARID MMAs.

The first part of the study covers mapping of all GBV Service Providers in all twenty-nine MMDAs in the Greater Accra Region (both in directory and interactive spatial map). It further discusses gaps and recommendations identified from the mapping exercise. A step-by-step case management processes and referral pathways for service providers is also provided as well as an assessment of the capabilities of service providers to deliver quality survivor-centered services and their quality of service. Consequently, there is a review of the capacity of Project Support Units, Project Implementation Units, and Project Coordinating Unit to prevent and respond to GBV on the Project as part of safeguards requirements.

The second part is the development of the (GBV) SEA-SH Prevention and Response Action Plan which includes an A&R Framework, and an Interagency Protocol between GARID GRM and GBV Service Providers. A training manual for Trainer’s of Trainees is also provided as part of the output of the study.

Find below the related resources;

  1. A Directory of GBV Service Providers in The Greater Accra Region (Download)
  2. GBV Services Mapping and SEA/SH Prevention and Response Action Plan (Upon Request)

3. GBV SEA SH Training Report (Upon Request)

