In a groundbreaking move to safeguard lives and property from the perennial flooding, the Minister for Works and Housing, Francis Asenso-Boakye, has handed over state-of-the-art equipment for the operationalization of Accra Flood Early Warning System (FEWS) equipment to the system’s implementation institutions comprising the Ghana Hydrological Authority, the Water Resources Commission, Ghana Meteorological Agency, and the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO)

The high-tech equipment includes tipping buckets rain gauges, automatic weather stations, ultrasonic water level sensors, velocity radar sensors with cameras, acoustic doppler and other IT equipment.

Hon. Francis Asenso-Boakye handing over an equipment to an official from Ghana Metrological Agency

The FEWS implementing institutions are expected to use the equipment to gather and transmit real-time data on rainfall amount and intensity, water levels and runoff volumes in streams and primary drains. These data will provide essential information for accurate flood prediction and the issuance of advanced alerts to specific communities about an impending flood, giving vulnerable populations the time needed to secure their valuables and evacuate to safer areas.   

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Asenso-Boakye emphasized the significance of the Accra FEWS.

“Today marks a significant milestone in our relentless pursuit of safeguarding the lives and properties of our fellow citizens against the physical, psychological, and economic devastation caused by flooding” he stated.

Minister Asenso-Boakye appealed to citizens to protect the equipment from theft and vandalism.

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