The Greater Accra Resilient and Integrated Development (GARID) Project has held a series of engagement programmes for key stakeholders in Kaneshie on the reconstruction of storm drains along Dr. Busia Highway, Osabiede, and Ayikai Streets. The engagement programmes were used to brief and solicit feedback from participants on the scope of the construction works and its implications on traffic management and livelihood.

Speaking at the opening sessions of separate engagement programmes held for road and regulatory authorities, public administrators, officials of Motor Traffic and Transport Department of the Ghana Police Service, traders and transport unions, the GARID Project Coordinator, Dr. Kwadwo Ohene Sarfoh, highlighted the importance of the drainage works in Kaneshie. “The reconstruction of storm drains in Kaneshie is a significant component of our efforts to enhance resilience against flooding in Greater Accra. We have carefully designed these works to mitigate flood risks and improve drainage infrastructure in the area,” explained Dr Sarfoh.

The Project Coordinator also emphasized the importance of involving stakeholders in development initiatives. He noted that “engaging with the community is crucial for the success of the GARID Project. We believe that involving stakeholders from the outset ensures that their concerns are heard and addressed effectively.”

The Social Safeguards Specialist of the GARID Project, Abdul-Rahim Abdulai, assured participants that their concerns regarding potential disruptions to livelihoods and resettlement would be addressed with utmost sensitivity. He said the Project team understands the potential impacts that infrastructure interventions can have on communities and will do everything within their means to ensure that affected individuals are properly supported throughout the process.

During the engagement sessions, participants were taken through an overview of the GARID Project and its interventions, the specific scope of the Kaneshie drainage works. resettlement and GBV issues, as well as the Grievance Redress Mechanism procedure established by the GARID Project.

The stakeholders acknowledged the necessity of improving drainage infrastructure in Kaneshie. They expressed appreciation to the GARID Project for giving them the opportunity to engage with the Project team and provide input. The participants also noted that traffic congestion is a huge challenge in Kaneshie, and appealed to the contractors to prioritize measures that will prevent further disruptions to the commuting routes within the Kaneshie enclave.

The engagement programmes underscored the GARID Project’s commitment to fostering transparency, inclusivity, and community participation in its development initiatives. The stakeholders expressed their willingness to collaborate closely with the project team to ensure the successful implementation of the Kaneshie drainage reconstruction works.

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